Are you all ready for the Wizard of Oz? This year is the 26th production of the Tokushima Musical. We have already started our practices and are excited to perform it for you all in March. We’ll be performing in Kitajima, Ishii, Katsuura, Yoshinogawa, and Wakimachi. I hope you can come out to see us! As always our musical is free and in English with some Japanese explanation to help you follow the story.
今年も昨年同様、美馬市在住のALT、Ryan Eschがとても素敵なポスターをデザインしました。これからの数週間、わたしたちは徳島県内のいろいろな場所にそのポスターを貼っていく予定なので、心に留めて置いてくださいね。
もし、そのポスターが、自分のために必要であったり、自分の学校や職場に貼るために必要であったりする場合は、ミュージカルのプロデューサー、Israel LutesにFacebookで連絡をしてください。私たちのミュージカルポスターをダウンロードすることもできます
This year, Ryan Esch, an ALT in Mima, designed an amazing poster!! He also designed last year’s poster. We will be putting these up around the prefecture over the next few weeks, so keep an eye out for them. If you want one for yourself, or want to put it up at your school or business, message our producer, Israel Lutes, on Facebook and we will get you some. You can also download our poster here.
We are looking forward to seeing you all in March!!