Support the Musical!

Due to our non-profit philosophy, AJET relies on the generosity of the Tokushima community to cover the financial expense of the musical. Individuals, families, schools and businesses have made monetary and material donations to the musical to enable its production in past years. As we begin the process of preparing for the next musical, AJET Tokushima humbly asks the people of Tokushima Prefecture to contribute once again.

If you are able to make a donation of money or assist in any other way, please contact your local JET participant. Alternatively, you may contact Parker Fairchild by e-mail (  We appreciate any assistance you are able to offer. Thank you for your kind consideration.


これまで個人の方からはもちろんのこと、学校や会社等各団体の皆様より多大な御支援を賜りましたが、今回も浄財等の御協力を頂けましたら有り難く存じま す。御協力は御寄付でも品物(舞台準備のため、絵の具や大きな布など)でも何でも結構です。どうぞよろしくお願い致します。


連絡先:Parker Fairchild
