Performance Schedule 2024
28th AJET Tokushima English Musical
The SpongeBob Musical
Performance Dates:
*Doors open 30 minutes before each show
公演案内 2024年
Time: 16:00-18:00
Directions: Minamikoden-91 Shinkirai, Kitajima, Itano District, Tokushima 771-0207
By Bus: From Tokushima Station, get the bus from platform 14 take the Kajiyabara Line(鍛冶屋原線) heading towards Shikoku University/Fuji Grand. Get off at Kitajima Shiyakusho-mae; it takes about 27 minutes.
Time: 16:00-18:00
Directions: Shikoku University Music Hall
Ebisuno, Furukawa, Ojin-cho, Tokushima-shi, Tokushima 771-1151
By Bus: From Tokushima Station, take the Tokushima Bus Kajiyabara Line, Green town Line, Ojin Aizumi Line from bus stop #15, or the Naruto line from bus stop #16 and get off at either Shikoku Daigaku-mae or Shikoku University-kita.
Time: 14:00-16:00
Directions: Yoshinogawa-shi Amenity Center
95-1 Okidai, Yamakawa-cho, Yoshinogawa-shi, Tokushima 779-3401
By Train: 5 minute walk from JR Awa-Yamakawa Station
Time: 17:30-19:30
Directions: Wakimachi Theater Odeon-za (Approx. 300 seats)
140-1 Nishibun, Inoshiri, Wakimachi, Mima City
By Train: 40 minute walk from JR Anabuki Station
Parking: 12 spots
(If the parking spots at the theater fills up, please park at either the shopping mall located nearby: Miraizu OR park at Ai-land Udatsu Roadside Station also located nearby)
Time: 14:00-16:00
Directions: 3360 Kamo, Higashimiyoshi, Miyoshi District, Tokushima 779-4701
By Train: 14 miniute walk from Awa-Kamo Station
Time: 16:00-18:00
Directions: 〒771-0207
Time: 16:00-18:00
Directions: 四国大学・音楽ホール
〒771-1151 徳島県徳島市応神町古川戎子野
Time: 14:00-16:00
Directions: 吉野川市アメニティセンター
〒779-3401 徳島県吉野川市山川町翁喜台95−1
Time: 17:30-19:30
Directions: 脇町劇場(オデオン座) (300席)
Time: 14:00-16:00
Directions: 〒779-4701 徳島県三好郡東みよし町加茂3360