A Night of Fantasy
“A Night of Fantasy” is Tokushima’s 11th annual AJET musical. This year’s production follows a group of elementary students on a school excursion to an English theatre. Join the students as they experience performances of their favourite fairytales; Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Little Red Riding Hood, and Cinderella.
Follow Goldilocks on her adventures to find one that’s “just right.” Watch as Little Red Riding Hood encounters a few dangers on her way to Grandma’s house. Finally, experience Cinderella’s story – will she ever find true love??
JETs from around the ken have come together to create a musical bursting with humour, dancing, and singing.
第11回AJETのミュージカルは“A Night of Fantasy”です。今年のミュージカルは、生徒たちが大好きな「ゴールディと3匹のクマ」、「赤ずきんちゃん」や「シンデレラ」を数人の観客に参加してもらいながら演じます。